Les cadeaux de Noël les plus appropriés - cadeaux en liège

liège chrismas-2

back to all The best choice for gentlemen Ladies’ favorite The record of children’s growth Parents’ love 2021 we have experienced a lot, rampant diseases everywhere, ecological changes, climate anomalies and a series of other bad things, fortunately, we have experienced it all, and finally ushered in our Christmas, we are still together. Because we […]

A quoi sert le liège ?

Arbres à liège

back to all The properties and history of cork The application of cork Cork is a natural, healthy and environmentally friendly product that has changed the environment in which people live or work to a large extent, and has improved the quality of life. Thanks to its sustainability and the fact that it is recycled […]

Comment le tissu de liège est-il produit ?

Comment le tissu de liège est-il fabriqué ?

back to all How cork is processed How cork fabric is processed The cork oak is one of the world’s oldest surviving tree species and one of the most valuable green renewable resources.As the saying goes: “trees are afraid of bark”, ordinary trees will soon die after being stripped of their bark, as they can […]

Comment entretenir le sac de liège

maintenir le sac à bouchons

back to all Cork Bags Storage methods Cork bag maintenance points How to clean a cork bag Some things you need to know about cork bags Thank you for choosing HZCORK, we make high-quality and environmentally friendly cork bags. Although it is natural and can stay with us for a long time, we still need […]

Conseils utiles pour coudre avec du tissu en corail

liège fait à la main

back to all Some things you need to know about cork fabric So how to sew with this cork? Make a leather cork bag Some things you need to know about cork fabric Are you a fabric lover? Have you ever tried to sew bags by yourself? If you like to do DIY sewing, I […]

Un point intéressant sur le choix d'un revêtement de sol en liège


back to all Cork flooring is not as magical as it sounds. Mentioned of “cork flooring”, perhaps the first impression in your mind is “soft” and “wood”, because of the name “cork”. It makes you feel that the cork flooring must be very, very, very comfortable. Not only does it have the high-end quality of […]

liège couleur cuir


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liège cuir tissu