코르크가 탄소 중립을 달성하는 방법

huella carbono

back to all What is Carbon Neutral Why Carbon Neutral How to achieve carbon Neutral with cork The issue of climate change affects everyone around the world. As global warming occurs, weather patterns are changing and events such as floods, hurricanes and droughts are becoming more frequent. Governments have pledged to reduce emissions and become […]

빙뒌뒌 코르크 페인팅 버전 만드는 법

빙 드웬 드웬-2

back to all The “Bing Dwen Dwen” cork painting version is here!The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games have just ended.In addition to the exciting gamesMore attention is undoubtedly the mascot–Bing Dwen Dwen! The mascot of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, “Bing Dwen Dwen”, is designed and created based on the panda. Among them, “Bing” symbolizes […]

향후 10년간 가장 친환경적이고 지속 가능한 원단

친환경 패브릭

back to all Soy fabric (SPF) Algae Fabric(Algae Fiber ) Corn Fabric (PLA) Coffee Grounds Fiber Tencel Organic Cotton Natural Colored Cotton Bamboo Fabric(Bamboo fiber) Organic Linen Natural Cork Fabric The trend of fashion fabrics has been inseparable from sustainable environmental protection, and “sustainable environmental protection” has become a mainstream topic in the industry, using […]

2025년 패션계에 영향을 미칠 7가지 비건 가죽 트렌드

코르크 직물

back to all Piñatex Mango leather MuSkin Wine leather Desserto leather Coconut leather Cork Leather Recently, the biggest news in fashion and leather circles is that the world’s first vegan MuSkin handbag debuted at Paris Fashion Week as part of Stella McCartney’s Summer 2024 collection presentation. The Frayme Mylo bags are manufactured from Mylo.The vegan […]

저탄소 경제의 최고 - 지속 가능한 코르크

코르크 숲

back to all Distribution of cork forests in the world The role of cork in the environment The economic value of cork With the deterioration of the global environment and people’s higher requirements for living standards, green, environmental protection, low-carbon, has gradually become the main theme of people’s lives. Cork is the best answer, a […]

코르크 가죽 색상

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