27 interessante Fakten und Statistiken zu Kork

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Cork has a long history. Below I list 27 interesting facts and 25 statistics about cork, which will let us know more about cork, an environmentally friendly and innovative material. Table of Contents 27 Interesting Cork Facts  The world produces enough cork to run around the world 15 times a year. A ton of corkboards […]

6 Gründe, warum vegane Korkhandtaschen besser sind!


With the rise of an emerging market for vegan fashion and fashion consumers wanting to find something more eco-friendly, animal and weather friendly, more and more vegan bags in different materials are appearing and it is difficult to choose, in this article we will discuss the 6 most important reasons why vegan cork bags are […]

Korkschnitzerei, die Magie der Miniatur-Landschaftskunst


Can you imagine a piece of bland wood can be turned into countless shapes?It can be a shadowed pine forest, grass and boulders, or a pavilion or a lonely mountain.Like a miniature world, flowers, birds and animals are born between the square inches, forming a fairyland. Table of Contents 1. What is cork carving Cork […]

9 verschiedene Arten von Korkstoffen zur Realisierung Ihres Designs


Without a doubt, one of the most versatile uses of cork is cork fabric. Thanks to this innovation, we can transform this incredible material into countless designs, especially in the fashion world, you can see cork fabric many products, cork bags, cork purses, cork pillows, cork yoga mats, cork earrings, cork watch bands, cork sofas […]

Revolution im Automobilinnenraum: Nachhaltiger Kork

Kork Automobil-Interieur

From plastic to leather, solid wood, and even synthetic and plant-based products, automakers are constantly exploring the possibilities of interior materials. Leather has long been used as a material for luxury car interiors and is still a “necessity” for many high-end models. However, in recent years, several car brands are vigorously promoting the development of […]

Kork lederfarbig


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