비건 가죽-코르크 가죽

코르크 패브릭 배경

back to all In the past, people used animal leather to keep out the cold and warmth for survival, and the natural selection of the fittest to survive. This is understandable, but humans no longer worry about survival issues in modern times but use animal leather for clothing. Because of human needs, The global leather […]

코르크 원단을 사랑하게 될 10가지 이유

코르크 파머

Cork fabric is new trendy. This eco-friendly and sustainable material is an amazing alternative to leather or vinyl. You must doubt that. Let me tell you 10 reasons why you will choose cork fabric instead of animal leather or vinyl.  Eco-friendly to the environment, Animal leather not only harms animals but also caused water pollution. Fashion is the second […]

코르크 원단이란 무엇이며 어떻게 만들 수 있나요?


Table of Contents Before answering this question, please let me tell you first what is cork fabric. In a short, Cork fabric is a natural textile made from plant fibers. It is made from a strong layer of specific plant material, oak bark. The phellem layer of bark tissue is used to make cork, a […]

코르크 가죽 색상

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코르크 가죽 원단