2025년 10대 코르크 건물 디자인

코르크 건물-2

back to all Cork has thermal and acoustic insulation and is able to regulate room temperature. It provides comfort in locations that require special care (e.g. hospitals, schools, kindergartens, theatres, cinemas, commercial buildings, conference rooms, etc.). Cork is resilient, softening impact, and its strong sound absorption capacity helps to reduce noise, in addition to being […]

지금까지 본 적 없는 지속 가능한 디자인 톱 20 (2)

지속 가능한 디자인_2

back to all Sustainable design is not a fad. It’s the wave of the future. It’s not just about packaging made from recycled materials and using less plastic.I continue below with a list of 20 fresh sustainable designs! View previous post Cork and ceramic combined with eco-friendly lunch boxes Biodegradable “mushroom” packaging Banana peel + […]

지금까지 본 적 없는 지속 가능한 디자인 톱 20 (1)

지속 가능한 수익률

back to all COVID-19 served has brought many changes to our world, our lifestyles, and us. People are now consciously shifting to environmentally friendly lifestyles, adopting sustainability, and actively participating in practices that protect the environment. To support these initiatives, designers are coming up with innovative sustainable designs. So, we’ve listed 20 fresh sustainable designs!Listed […]

2025년 코르크에 대한 상위 9가지 창의적인 아이디어 목록

코르크 커버

back to all As a revolutionary natural material, cork is very widely used due to its excellent physical properties, and designers have created very creative artworks in different fields. Here is a list of 9 creative cork designs this year. Anta Cork Casual Sneakers Screwless and plastic-free cork headphones High-end exquisite cork bag Natural experience […]

코르크 가죽 색상

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무료 견적과 코르크 원단에 대한 더 많은 전문 지식을 얻으려면 당사에 문의하세요. 귀하의 프로젝트에 적합한 솔루션을 HZCORK와 함께 만나보세요.

코르크 가죽 원단